Sports Injuries (Strains & Sprains)

Sports injuries are an unfortunate part of engaging in sporting/other activity. I treat a wide variety of sports injuries and other chronic activity-related conditions. Often bodywork can offer better, faster, longer-lasting results than sports massage or rehabilitation exercise alone. I have a diverse range of therapies and techniques available to address conditions/ injuries which may not have responded to conventional treatment. Some injuries may be due to repetitive strain/impact on a muscle, tendon or joint (eg. tennis elbow, joggers knee) and others due to a specific soft tissue injury such as a strain (torn muscle/tendon fibres) or a sprain (torn ligament fibres). Strains & sprains vary from less than 10% of the muscle/ligament fibres being torn (grade 1) to 10-90% being torn (grade2- & 2+) to a partial/full rupture of a muscle/tendon/ligament (grade3). Symptoms vary from a slight ‘twinge’ followed by a localised area of pain/discomfort and tight surrounding muscles to immediate severe pain, inability to use the injured muscle/area and severe swelling/bruising. In grade 3 strains/sprains an operation is often needed to rejoin the muscle/ligament. However, in all strains & sprains the immediate treatment for the acute phase (2-7 days) is R.I.C.E. This stands for Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation (anti-inflammatory’s may also be indicated in grade 2-3 strains) of the injured area. The body tends to overdo the inflammation in soft tissue injuries causing excess pain, swelling and scar tissue. RICE treatment reduces inflammation to help compensate this. Once the acute phase has passed and the heat, pain & swelling receding, it is wise to begin gentle treatment involving massage, cross fibre friction and stretching. As you improve deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and mobilisations may be incorporated as well as light strengthening techniques & advanced stretching. It is wise to get all sports injuries addressed; even grade 1 strains/sprains benefit from a couple of treatments as they can often lead to myofascial trigger points causing chronic pain or muscle tension!

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